Under Our Care Templates
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Under Our Care guidance

BEVA interprets the RCVS guidelines and the Under Our Care Review to require that a written, traceable agreement has been formed between two veterinary practices when both are attending the same animals. This agreement should make clear which vet will be responsible for the 24/7 Veterinary Care Provision (VCP) of the animals in question in the event of an emergency and which vet is the Limited Service Provider (LSP).

It is recognised that owners will not always be forthcoming in their engagement of multiple vets however, owners should be made aware of which practice will provide that veterinary service before any services are provided.

BEVA has provided template documents for members to draw up these agreements between practices.

View the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons.

Which template should I use?


LSP Local and Prescribing Template

LSP Remote and Prescribing Template

LSP Non-Prescribing (Consulting) Template

LSP Mutual Clients Template