Safer Horse Rescues | BEVA
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Safer Horse Rescues

We support the emergency services by ensuring they can access veterinary assistance when called out to a rescue involving a horse. Our Safer Horse Rescues Practice Directory ensures the emergency services can quickly and easily find a vet in the local area and our Emergency Rescue Fund ensures veterinary costs can be recovered where the owner of the horse is not known.

Emergency Rescue Fund

If your practice has incurred expenses during an emergency rescue and you are unable to trace the owner or they are refusing to pay then you can make a claim to the Emergency Rescue Fund. 

To make a claim please download and complete the claim form.

Once completed please email the form and your invoice to us for processing at

Please note all invoices need to be itemised as follows:

  • Vets time at £100 per hour including travel time and attendance time
  • Mileage at 45p per mile
  • Vet purchase price of drugs and consumable (including VAT) plus 15% to cover storage costs etc