Anthelmintic Toolkit
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ProtectMEtoo ProtectMEtoo


Our protectMEtoo toolkit is there to help vets and practices to develop anthelmintic policies for the better, more responsible use of dewormers.

Download the Toolkit

p: practice policy
r: risk assess
  • Use risk assessment to develop tailored parasite control programmes for equestrian properties which reduce indiscriminate use of dewormers.
o: other methods of control

Reduce the need for treatment in each population by encouraging: 

  • Improved pasture hygiene
  • Co-grazing with ruminants
  • Reduced stocking density
  • Resting pastures
  • Rotation of grazing
  • Avoiding harrowing
t: target treatment to high egg shedders
  • Carry out faecal egg counts (FECs) to help identify those individuals which are shedding high numbers of eggs, and treat accordingly, as these are the main source of parasites. 
  • Where risk is low and management systems allow, consider using >500 epg as the threshold for treatment.
e: environmental sustainability
c: check for drug efficacy
t: test for tapeworms
  • High tapeworm antibody titres indicate exposure, and possible infection.
  • Testing before treatment will help identify those who do not require retreatment.
M: monitor the herd
  • Testing one is better than none; but testing the group together is best of all. 
E: educate
  • To protect the viability of equine businesses.
  • To delay the onset of resistance and extend the lifespan of currently available anthelmintics.
  • To prevent unnecessary illness and death from endoparasitism.
  • To reduce the negative impacts of ecotoxic drugs on the local environment.
too: protect anthelmintics as well as antibiotics
  • Anthelmintics should be afforded the same respect as antimicrobials.
  • We have fewer options to turn to and we have resistance to all of them.

Download the documents

Useful Links
  1. EVJ editorial
  2. Less is more: Anthelmintic stewardship in an era of ubiquitous anthelmintic resistance and environmental sustainability

  3. EVE article
  4. Environmental impacts of equine parasiticide treatment: The UK perspective

  5. Clinical Catch-Up
  6. Tackling resistance on yards

  7. Transatlantic Equine Clinic
  8. Helminths: can we stop the global tsunami of resistance?

  9. Primary care clinical guidelines workshop
  10. Worm control and Pars Pituitary Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID)

  11. CANTER
  12. Controlling ANTiparasitic resistance in Equines Responsibility