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ProtectME toolkit ProtectME toolkit

ProtectME toolkit

Our award-winning ToolKit, modelled on the BSAVA PROTECT guidelines, has been developed to support you to develop practice policies for the responsible use of antibiotics.

Download the toolkit
P: Practice policy

Develop protocols for antimicrobial usage by:

  • Identifying common clinical scenarios
  • Formulating protocols for first-line and alternative antimicrobial therapy for these conditions
  • Considering appropriate antimicrobial dosing using an evidence-based approach
  • Developing protocols for the use of protected antimicrobials and avoided antimicrobials
Tools to help you

To help you develop your protocols download our Protect Me policy templates.

These templates have been designed so you can fill them in when developing your own policies. When downloading them please ensure you open them on your computer rather than web browser before editing them.

Practice Policy Template

The practice policy template will enable you to set doses and routes of administration of common antimicrobials. (note: if you open the form in a web browser you may lose some functionality).

Example Practice Protocol

The example practical protocol will take you through the decision-making process for the use of protected antimicrobials.

R: Reduce prophylaxis

Develop rational protocols for prophylaxis by

  • Defining surgical procedures as clean, contaminated or high risk
  • Rationalising disease control (e.g. the neonate, strangles)
  • Discontinuing use where the evidence indicates there is no clinical benefit (e.g. intraarticular medication)
O: Other options

Reduce or replace antimicrobials for

  • Wound debridement
  • Topical preparations
T: Types of drugs and bacteria

Select appropriate drugs

  • Use cytology where possible
  • Consider the dose and pharmacokinetics of the drugs selected
  • Consider the suitability of the drug, compliance and risks of sub-therapeutic dosing that may accelerate the development of resistance
E: Employ narrow spectrum drugs
  • e.g. penicillin, rather than drug combinations. Use bacterial culture and susceptibility promptly
  • Culture when clinical response is less than expected
  • Culture when long term therapy is suspected
C: Culture and susceptibility

Use bacterial culture promptly, especially when clinical response is less than expected or when long term therapy is suspected.

T: Treat effectively
  • Enough drug for long enough then stop
  • Ensure dosing protocols provide therapeutic dosing
  • Consider the marketing authorisation are sometimes at odds with research evidence
M: Monitor
  • Monitor the emergence of bacterial resistance
  • Record use of protected antimicrobials
  • Record when a cultured bacteria is ineffective with your protocol
  • Respond to emerging resistance and modify protocols
  • Use this information as part of your clinical audit log
E: Educate
  • Inform your team and your clients
  • Ensure that protocols and changes to protocols are cascaded through the entire team
  • Educate your clients to reduce pressure for antibiotics
Tools to help you

To help you inform your team and clients we've provided useful resources below.

No antibiotic prescription form

No Antibiotic Prescription Form

Use the BEVA no antibiotic prescription form when you are note prescribing antibiotics

Practice Poster

Practice Poster

Use our poster to promote the importance of protecting antibiotics to clients

Safeguarding Antibiotics

Safeguarding Antibiotics Fact Sheet

Share our safeguarding antibiotics Q&A to provide clients with further information.

Download our templates

Antimicrobial resistance research

An online collection of articles from Equine Veterinary Journal on the subject of antimicrobial resistance. All papers have been made free to access permanently.

Access now