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09 Sep 2020 - 12 Sep 2020

Congress 2020 Postponed

Congress 2020

This is a member only event.

If you are a member click here to login

Course dates

09 Sep 2020 07:30 - 12 Sep 2020 19:00

The ICC, Broad Street, B1 2EA

Congress 2020 has been postponed until 16 - 19 January 2021. For more information please visit

What to expect at Europe’s largest Equine Veterinary Conference….

Over 90 hours of CPD lectures, delivered by world recognised speakers.
Tailored for vets at all career stages, as well as undergraduates veterinary students, equine nurse, equine allied professionals and practice managers.
A commercial exhibition, offering the latest equine products and services and the chance for you to find out what is new on the market and to negotiate business deals
Unwind with friends, colleagues and peers at our legendary socials.

Terms and conditions

Badge Policy: I understand that by choosing to allow my badge to be scanned by an exhibitor, sponsor or for a seminar session when at the event, I will be providing the exhibitor, sponsor and organisers with my personal data. This data may be used to contact me about products or services and I understand that this partner or sponsor may transfer this data outside of the European Economic Area for these purposes. I also understand and agree that my personal data may be held and used by the organiser of this event, and any third-party hosting provider acting on its behalf, in order to run the event and for analysing visitor traffic with a view to improving the event experience for visitors. 

Data Protection: I understand that BEVA will pass on my details to exhibitors that have scanned my badge as per the badging policy.

Photography will take place during Congress. All photographs may be used for marketing purposes and/or be published on our website. Please inform the photographer if you do not wish to be included in any close-up photography

Badging: All badges are non-transferable and must be worn at all times by the named delegate only. BEVA reserve the right to exclude delegates from Congress who do not comply. Delegates wearing incorrect badging will invoiced for their attendance post event.


  • Cancellation more than 6 weeks prior to the start of the event: A refund will be made less a 10% administrative charge (plus VAT if applicable).
  • No refunds will be given for cancellation less than 6 weeks prior to the start of the course.
  • Transfer of Delegate: Booked places can be transferred to another person. If the transferee is not a BEVA Member he/she will be liable for the difference between the Member and Non-Member delegate rates.

Safety: Delegates must bring appropriate safety wear (coveralls, hard hats, boots etc) to sessions involving practical’s.

Conference Venue referred to below as ‘the Centre’

  • Fire exit signs must not be obscured. Aisles between seating areas must be kept free of obstructions. No smoking is permitted in the auditoria of the Centre. The Centre is a no smoking venue completely including e-cigarettes.
  • No explosives, firearms, lasers, weapons, flammable substances or naked flames nor any other noxious pungent or deleterious matter shall be brought into the Centre which may become a nuisance to the Centre, Association or any occupiers of the Centre or of adjoining premises.
  • No animals, birds or insects may be brought into the Centre (except for guide dogs for the visually or aurally impaired).
  • No impropriety of language, dress, dance, gesture or personality shall be permitted at any Event and the Delegate shall maintain and keep good order and decent behaviour in the Centre throughout the Period of Hire of the Centre by the Association (‘Period of Hire’) of the same by the Association.
  • The Association and/or Centre reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to remove from the Centre any person who, in its or their opinion, is drunk, disorderly or objectionable or dressed in a manner which may be offensive to others.
  • Delegates must remain seated during lectures (and are not permitted to stand/sit in the aisles). No one may throw any article in the auditorium or at any stage.
  • No liability shall attach to the Association or Centre for anything left in any cloakroom except for loss or damage caused by the negligence of the Centre’s staff or of the Association.
  • A Delegate will be charged for any attendance of the Police or Fire Service which the Association or Centre shall judge to be necessary by the action or inaction of the Delegate who shall pay for such attendance at the rates prevailing at the date of the Event.
  • Food and drink (except for water) may not be consumed in the auditoria or the backstage areas of the Centre.
  • The Association and/or Centre will not be responsible for any article of any kind which is brought into or left in the Centre unless the loss is caused by the negligence of or breach of contract by the Centre and/or the Association.
  • Any structures, goods or chattels which are placed in store will be held by the Centre and/or the Association to the order of the Delegate and at the Delegate’s sole risk.
  • The Association and Centre shall not be liable for any loss or theft of or damage to the property of the Delegate or for the death of or any injury to such person or persons (due to any cause whatsoever) or for any consequential loss except in the case of theft by or damage or death or injury is caused by the negligence of the Centre’s own staff or breach of contract by the Centre or the staff of the Association and its breach of this Contract.
  • In the event of the Centre being closed or any presentation or exhibition being prevented or interfered with due to a public disaster, riot, epidemic, fire, flood, act of God, war, civil disturbance or any other circumstance beyond the Association’s control or if there is any labour dispute of any kind which interferes with the working of the Centre or affects attendees at the Event or exhibition or the transport facilities available to attendees or on account of any other cause outside the control of the Association the Association shall be released from any obligation to the Delegate insofar as it has been prevented from performing its obligations by the above-mentioned occurrences of force majeure.
  • No responsibility to the Delegate shall be accepted by the Association for any breakdown, failure or defect in any of the technical equipment or facilities which could not reasonably be foreseen by the Association nor shall the Association be held liable for any consequences attributable to any termination, breakdown or interruption of the supply of electricity, gas or water or other services outside the Association’s control nor for any defective working of any other equipment, apparatus, machinery or services or defective buildings.
  • In the event of the Event and/or exhibition being cancelled in terms that the Association shall be liable to the Centre to pay the whole or any part of the total hiring charge the Association shall retain the whole or any part pro rata of the payment made by the Delegate to the Association.

By registering for this event, I confirm that I accept the above terms and conditions. 



Partners In Education

Our partners support our annual CPD programme, helping us to deliver some of the best equine veterinary CPD in the world.