Monday, December 9, 2019
In February we're running two brand new courses on pre-purchase exmaination (PPE) imaging, that will build confidence in practitioners performing PPE on high value horses where radiographs are required. Ahead of the course, course organiser Phil Cramp gives us some quick fire tips for carrying out PPE imaging.

What are the common pitfalls associated with PPE Imaging?

Poor image quality is probably the most common pitfall, but also, not all vets know of all the nuanced images that are required to visualise certain anatomical areas accurately. Knowing which specific areas need to be imaged for specific horse uses such as racing vs. eventing is also crucial. Interpretation can too be a problem, often with normal variances being mis-diagnosed or the grey areas not being well understood.

What advice would you give to vets carrying out these examinations?

Be careful, demonstrate a high level of attention to detail and do not compromise on the quality of the image acquistion. After that, it is your opinion so be confident and give it.

Can you tell us about a particularly tricky PPE?

I think my worst experience was missing a femoral condylar cyst on radiography because it was a portable system and I was collecting the images in the sunslight so I couldn’t really see properly. I also failed to collect the optimal view that would have identified the cyst clearly. I dealt with this by being totally up front and honest about it - that is why we are insured after all.

Find out more about the course

We're running two one day courses consecutively so you can choose to attend one or both days:

Imaging for PPE and Insurance - avoid the pitfalls

24 February

Find out more

Practical Imaging for PPE, Insurance and Competition Horses

25 February 

Find out more


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