Friday, March 29, 2019

Following the last ethics and welfare committee meeting the chair, Lucy Grieve, updates us on what they are working on... 

The committee met last in February 2019 and they've been busy working on a number of projects. They are finalising a Welfare Case Tool Kit that will be available via the BEVA website to give guidance on how to deal with welfare cases, something that BEVA members have been asking for.

The other big project the Ethics and Welfare Committee are working on is the equine obesity project. In 2018 the committee launched a resource hub on the BEVA website and includes materials from some of the big welfare charities on body condition scoring, nutritional advice and grazing muzzle advice. We are now looking at how we can affect a behavioural change in owners and more information will come as soon as we have it. 

Upcoming projects from the Ethics and Welfare Committee are from our two new committee members, Sara Rogers and Colin Roberts, where we will be looking at the welfare of equine vets as well as keeping the momentum going following the injury survey and don't break your vet campaign.

As always our committees welcome all ideas and opinions on our projects from BEVA members. You can get in touch with the committee by emailing Fiona.

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