Clinical Practice Committee Update - June 2020 | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Clinical Practice Committee Update - June 2020

Clinical Practice Committee Council Updates
11 Jun 2020 BEVA

Huw Griffiths, BEVA's Clinical Practice committee chair provides an update on the projects the committee are currently working on. 

In the update Huw tells us about the pre-purchase manual BEVA are currently putting together. The manual will be a how-to guide for vets and we are hoping it will be ready in the next few months. 

The committee has also been developing an equine events tool kit to support vets attending equine events and ensure they have all the tools and information they need to do the best job.

The committee are also looking at revamping the BEVA Internships programme to ensure new graduates are able to easily compare different internships. A new employment toolkit will also be launched soon to offer support and guidance when considering an internship in equine practice. 

Finally the committee have been discussing the impacts of Covid-19 on the profession and most recently have been discussing how the NHS Track and Trace will impact practices and are working on providing further information on this very shortly.